Photo by Nathan McBride on Unsplash


Haiku Poetry
2 min readAug 10, 2021

I like to write creatively,
but I’m a practical person.

For this reason, finding myself in a difficult situation in evolution,
I decided to go to a civil lawyer, already
several years ago.

He knows a lot about me and the situation.

He invites me to continue writing and to continue to cultivate my interesting and particular passions,
including Geopolitics.

For more than two years, I have been meeting with a psychotherapist approximately every two weeks, delivering written reports on the events of the previous 15 days.

Reports I usually write straight away, without contradictions even after months.

Reports and interviews in which I have been demonstrating my proven capacity for reasoning, logic, moral strength, ability to react to a series of events that would have brought a bull to its knees.

As my civil lawyer has always told me, I think avoiding war is the best option, if that is possible.

But now, I find myself forced to turn to a criminal lawyer
as a means to clarify some facts.

I wish I could say many things, explain myself, but this is not possible, nor
it would be right.

Summary trials were carried out on witches in the Middle Ages and villains in the Far West.
A trial in which the accused is called to speak after the verdict has been issued is a farce.
Yes, I am a resourceful hardhead, thank God.

I manage a large house, I often gladly have my beloved grandchildren, I love to travel even if it causes Covid, much less.

I’d like to have my voice heard again, adding my comments despite
being discordant from others, but …

even in the well-known Milgram experiment, there was a small percentage of people who disagreed.

But I also know how to step aside if more or less explicitly asked me.
Of course, it would pain me to leave old pen pals and make new ones.
But for sure, I wish you well!

Note:I won’t be leaving Medium, at least for a while, but …

I will make new friends,

apart from those who will continue in future to make me Claps

Step aside …

